Right in vogue with the new emphasis on going green, Michael Abbate has written Gardening Eden. His vocation as a landscape architect led him to study and see the connection between our use of Earth and the admonition given to Adam and consequently, the rest of us, to care for it.
Genesis 2:15 "The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." (NIV)
Abbate writes of our need to become good stewards of the earth, just as capably as we steward our finances. "If one of our responsibilites as human beings is to be the gentle gardeners of the earth, we have to steady ourselves, take a deep breath, and face the realities of our planet's health. We have to honestly investigate the condition of our environmental checking account." (pages 62-63)
The author discusses currently headlining environmental conditions. He writes of the interconnections between plants and animals, habitats and man. He challenges us as stewards to take the responsibility to oversee the viability of all the interconnections. A portion of the book is dedicated to various tips for cultivating our earthly Eden. Some are: eat locally, grow your own food, recycle, reduce fuel use, weatherize your house, use biodegradable materials, use less water, etc. Many things a lot of us are already doing, but there are challeneges to go a step further. We are Gardening Eden not only for ourselves, our neighbors, but for future generations.
Published by WaterBrook Press, released in 2009.
This is paperback, printed on acid free, recycled paper, containing 20% postconsumer waste.
I have one copy to give away.
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oo, oo, pick me, pick me! (you don't even have to send it, i'll pick it up sometime this summer. :)
I'll keep a copy for you!
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