Wow! That's my reaction after reading Wild Goose Chase. I felt excited even before I started and I wasn't sure why. Mark Batterson's energy and passion for pusuing God just leaps off the pages!
The title is somewhat misleading if you think about it. My Random House dictionary defines a wild goose chase as "a wild or absurd search for something nonexistent or unobtainable". Do you ever feel that pertains to your walk as a Christian? However, the title Wild Goose Chase is chosen from a Celtic Christian name for the Holy Spirit, An Geadh-Glas, meaning "the Wild Goose." Through personal anecdotes and scriptural references, the author challenges the reader to come out of his Christian "cage" (i.e. the safety of the church) and live out the adventure of following Christ.
Some tidbits, pages 8-9:
"...many, if not most, Christians are bored with their faith...
...too many of us end up settling for spiritual mediocrity instead of spiritual maturity...coming out of the cage means giving up the very thing in which we find our security and identity outside of Christ."
Batterson outlines six "cages" in which Christians find themselves: Responsibility, Routine, Assumptions, Guilt, Failure, and Fear. He challenges us to be courageous, come out of our cages, and live a life of spiritual adventure.
Uncertain about where you are going? Are you looking for something more? Read Wild Goose Chase. It might just shake that cage door open.
Mark Batterson is the lead pastor of Washington, D.C.'s National Community Church.
New from Multnomah, the book is available for purchase here.
I have one copy to give away.
For more info, also see: www.chasethegoose.com
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