Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bon Appétit

Lexi leaves her Seattle area home to pursue her dream of becoming a pastry chef. She switches places with the daughter in the Delacroix family, owners of not only the bakery where she worked in Seattle but also two bakeries in France. She settles into spending her working hours supervised by members of the Delacroix family at each of their bakeries, creating delicious pastries as directed.

Her education at L’École du Pâtisserie, sponsored by the family, begins just a few weeks after she arrives. She will have 16 weeks to prove herself and earn her diploma. In order to do so, she must end up in the top ten percent of her class. Will she pass the final exhibition of her baking skills?

Lexi cautiously makes friends, develops a devotional time where she is not only feeding her body but also her soul, and looks to God for help in sorting out what direction she should take. Good food, new friendships, a little romance…will she stay in France or decide to return to America? Authored by Sandra Byrd, the novel delightfully portrays Lexi’s struggles as she tries to find her way. There are even a few recipes included!

New from WaterBrook Press, this is the second book in Sandra Byrd's French Twist series.
I have two copies to give away to an interested party.

1 comment:

Linda said...

You certainly getting some interesting books lately. You must be building yourself quite a library, my friend.