Saturday, January 3, 2009

Only Nuns Change Habits Overnight

This short book, less than 200 pages, is billed as “52 Amazing Ways to Master the Art of Personal Change.” The main premise of the author, Karen Scalf Linamen, is that we are often too content to stay in the same old rut. Doing the same things repeatedly, we are often surprised when we keep getting the same results. At the end of each section, she offers questions and steps for diagnosing and pursuing changes that we desire.

I thought her main point, that we all have developed habits that produce either good or bad fruit, was well put when she wrote “Habits are the little anchors that keep us from straying very far from the lifestyle to which we’ve become accustomed, whether that lifestyle makes us happy or miserable” (pg. 54). Linamen notes that often habits are sometimes unnoticeable unless we really stop and think about why we act certain ways.

While it is humorous, I found it to be too “cutesy-poo” for my taste. Loaded with personal anecdotes, there are many of her own habits listed that she is aware of, desires to change, but so far hasn’t. I tired of the constant parenthesized side notes within sentences.

Page 120 began the meatiest portion of the book, with action #39. Finally, prayer enters the text. Even though there were a few Biblical passages previously listed for reference, it is in this section that Linamen actually suggests the reader pray, ask God, and expect to receive answers. Also presented is a very clear message of the importance of a personal relationship with Christ.

Only Nuns Change Habits Overnight is published by WaterBrook Press.
I have two extra copies if you are interested; just drop me a note.
It can also be purchased here:

1 comment:

Linda said...

Premise sounds good but I am with you on cutesy-poo!