Friday, June 19, 2009

Father's Day Blog Tour

This group of three books I planned to read before now, but the time got away from me. I don't suppose that happens to any of you, does it? Anyway, here are three new ones that might just be interesting enough for the men you know to pick up and finish.....

Sir Dalton and the Shadow Heart looks like it might grab the attention of any youth/teen reader who likes tales of knights and kingdoms worth fighting for. The chapters are fairly short...

"Sir Dalton, a knight in training, seems to have everything going for him. Young, well-liked, and a natural leader, he has earned the respect and admiration of his fellow knights, and especially the beautiful Lady Brynn.
But something is amiss at the training camp. Their new trainer is popular but lacks the passion to inspire them to true service to the King and the Prince. Besides this, the knights are too busy enjoying a season of good times to be concerned with a disturbing report that many of their fellow Knights have mysteriously vanished.
When Sir Dalton is sent on a mission, he encounters strange attacks, especially when he is alone. As his commitment wanes, the attacks grow in intensity until he is captured by Lord Drox, a massive Shadow Warrior. Bruised and beaten, Dalton refuses to submit to evil and initiates a daring escape with only one of two outcomes--life or death. But what will become of the hundreds of knights he'll leave behind? In a kingdom of peril, Dalton thinks he is on his own, but two faithful friends have not abandoned him, and neither has a strange old hermit who seems to know much about the Prince. But can Dalton face the evil Shadow Warrior again and survive?"

The author, Chuck Black, is a former F-16 fighter pilot and tactical communications engineer. This is the third book in his The Knights of Arrethtrae series.

Check here for more information.

Eyes Wide Open, by Jud Wilhite, invites readers to find, "The real you, loved and forgiven by God, living out of your identity in Christ.

"I had it all backwards. The main thing was not my love for God, but his love for me. And from that love I respond to God as one deeply flawed, yet loved. I’m not looking to prove my worth. I’m not searching for acceptance. I’m living out of the worth God already declares I have. I’m embracing his view of me and in the process discovering the person he created me to be."

A travel guide through real spirituality from one incomplete person to another, Eyes Wide Open is a book of stories about following God in the messes of life, about broken pasts and our lifelong need for grace. It is a book about seeing ourselves and God with new eyes-eyes wide open to a God of love.

Jud Wilhite is senior pastor of Central Christian Church in Las Vegas.
Check here for more information.

The Disappearance of God, authored by R. Albert Mohler Jr., challenges Christians to study to know unchanging, Biblical truth...

"More faulty information about God swirls around us today than ever before. No wonder so many followers of Christ are unsure of what they really believe in the face of the new spiritual openness attempting to alter unchanging truth.

For centuries the church has taught and guarded the core Christian beliefs that make up the essential foundations of the faith. But in our postmodern age, sloppy teaching and outright lies create rampant confusion, and many Christians are free-falling for “feel-good” theology.

We need to know the truth to save ourselves from errors that will derail our faith.”

In the age-old battle to preserve the foundations of faith, it's up to a new generation to confront and disarm the contemporary shams and fight for the truth. Dr. Mohler provides the scriptural answers to show you how.

R. Albert Mohler Jr. is president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also a columnist, radio host, and blogger. He has appeared on Larry King Live, The Today Show, The News Hour with Jim Lehrer, and The O'Reilly Factor.
Check here for more information.

All books are published in 2009 by Multnomah.

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