Up ahead, the party spots Deputy Sotak on his horse. Intending to ask him if he would like to accompany them to church they head for the point where their trails will intersect. All of a sudden the scene of an ambush by outlaws unfolds before them. One is killed and the deputy is wounded. John and Whip head immediately to his side. Hearing the commotion, a couple of ranchers show up and the marshals borrow their horses to pursue the other outlaw. Whip quickly heads home to get his timber wolf, Timber, to help in the pursuit. After much territory is covered, Timber indeed helps them to corner Fortney. Having a captive audience while he transports the prisoner to jail, chief Brockman uses the time to preach the gospel. Fortney wants nothing to do with it.
And so begins Deadlock, the second book in the "Return of the Stranger" trilogy by Al and Joanna Lacy.
While I think the language is somewhat stilted, it's a fun and easy read. If you don't know the salvation message, you should have it memorized by the end of the book! The characters of Deadlock simply believe in Jesus as their Savior and walk out their faith. From an acquaintance who has never thought much about it to a prisoner about to be hung, they are determined to use the Scriptures to show each person the choice before them being heaven or hell, and their need for Christ.
Outlaws, bank robberies, a kidnapping or two and a walking miracle: that's what awaits you in Deadlock.
New from Mutnomah, 2009 paperback.
If interested, I have one to give away.
Purchases can be made at www.familychristian.com and www.christianbook.com.
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