Mark Batterson poses the question: "Is there a place in your past where you met God and God met you? In Primal, he targets our response and encourages us to remember and focus on the commandment "Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength." How do we do that?
One way is by getting our priorities straight. "The blessings of God are never ends in themselves...[they] are always a means to an end...blessing others." "...making money is the way you make a living and giving it away is the way you make a life." (page 33)
Another way is to meditate on Scripture and then live out what you learn. I was impressed by Batterson's proposition that creativity is a dimension of spiritual maturity. God is a creator. To become more like Him is to become more creative. "God is always speaking. ..are we listening? Are we taking those God ideas captive? Are we making them obedient to Christ?...Is it possible that our lack of ideas is really a lack of love?" (italics mine)...The more you love God, the more God reveals." (page 128)
Wonder where your original zeal has gone?
Need to be challenged?
Read Primal.
2009, hard bound from Multnomah.
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