“Encore!” the audience shouts. “Encore!” They are on their feet, clapping, sometimes hooting, sometimes whistling. The performance was so moving, so deeply felt, they want more. I think the term has lost its edge over the years and become almost commonplace. When I was growing up, it happened when the performance was over-the-top extraordinary. Lately, when I have attended plays or concerts, the immediate reaction at the end of the performance is for the whole audience to jump to their feet and begin the “routine” for more. It’s almost become expected by the cast or performer. And, oftentimes, while I think the performance may have been solid or well-done, I don’t think it should be in the category of extraordinary.
So, it was with this background that I read The Encore Effect by Mark Sanborn. The purpose of the book is to cause you to think about your “performance” in whatever you do. Are you “just” doing your job? Or, are you doing the best you can, working with excellence, known with distinction? If people want more from you, and demand more, then you have achieved the Encore Effect.
Sanborn encourages us to prepare and practice for our roles, whatever we do. As Christians, we should aspire to be remarkable performers so that we may glorify God. The author lists nine reasons he believes Christians should strive for remarkable performance. Each chapter has an “intersection” where the author poses a challenge to apply our faith in our daily life. My favorite quote: “Perhaps the biggest danger you face is believing that your navel is the center of the universe….All the pitfalls discussed in this chapter fall under the umbrella of self-absorption. So what is the antidote? We must unseat self and put God at the center of our lives.” (pg.121)
The Encore Effect is a good motivational book. If you feel as though you are losing your edge, or are just coasting along in your work, this may give you the needed boost to get up and get back on track, with purpose.
New from WaterBrook Press.
Author Bio: Mark Sanborn is the best-selling author of The Fred Factor and You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader. An internationally acclaimed motivational speaker, Sanborn is president of Sanborn & Associates, Inc., an idea studio for leadership development. Having served as president of two national organizations, he regularly keynotes meetings in the United States and abroad—speaking on leadership, team building, customer service, and mastering change. He and his family live near Denver , Colorado .
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