Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Road of Lost Innocence

Have you seen or heard news reports about child prostitution? Do you find it hard to believe it exists in this day and age? Reading The Road of Lost Innocence should make a believer out of you.

The author, Somaly Mam, uses this emotionally moving book to recount the story of her life. Page after page details what she remembers of her early years, the sadness and fear when sold into prostitution by her “grandfather” at the age of 12, the atrocities committed, the suffering during the time she was abused in brothels, and her eventual rescue.

She discusses the cultural mores and attitudes that allow child prostitution in Cambodia and bordering countries. She recounts the early beginnings and continuing efforts to rescue girls from their lives of slavery and restore their dignity while preparing them for jobs they can use to support themselves. The discouragement and difficulties in finding honest policemen and government officials who were not willing to look the other way are noted. She details her search for funding and the establishment of AFESIP (Acting for Women in Distressing Situations) based in Cambodia.

Through sheer survival and strength of will, the author began and continues her humanitarian efforts. This was a tough book to read and must have been a tough book to write, as it harshly details a situation that continues even as you read this review. I hope it brings her healing, but I wish she and those she rescues could know the complete Healer.

Published by Spiegel and Grau, this book can be purchased here.
A portion of the proceeds from sales will be donated to the Somaly Mam Foundation.

If you are moved to help in the fight against human trafficking, check out

1 comment:

Linda said...

Wow. See, this is the reason I could never critique books. I would definitely have a hard time reading it.....I can not imagine how she wrote it, reliving it all again.