Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Saturdays with Stella

Hot off the press is a fun new book from Multnomah, Saturdays with Stella. Anybody who has ever had a dog, especially a puppy, will be able to relate. For those who have not had the pleasure, the author, Allison Pittman, creates great word pictures of her trials and tribulations as Stella becomes a part of the family.

The solution for energetic, wild, puppyhood, thought Allison, would be a 6 week obedience class. To her surprise, she gained a spiritual benefit as she learned more about her relationship with God through the weeks of training her puppy. Each chapter relates a new week in training and a new insight to God’s grace, mercy, and love.

Moments of defeat and moments of triumph. All are contained in this delightful, heart-warming book, Saturdays with Stella.

New from Multnomah, you can purchase it here.
You can learn more about the author here.
Giveaway copies are spoken for.


Linda said...

Looks like something I would enjoy reading. So glad you do these reviews.

nymrsb said...

@linda---one for you, coming up! (at least, if the PO cooperates)

Diane said...

Definitely looks like something I'd enjoy, too!
Diane S.

nymrsb said...

@diane---one coming your way, too! I think you will enjoy it.